A stratagem in which an attractive person entices another person into revealing information or doing something unwise

Honey trapping is the practice of evaluating the fidelity of partners in marital and non-marital relationships.

Wives, husbands, and other partners employ investigators usually when an illicit romantic affair is suspected of the “target”, or subject of the investigation.
Occasionally the term may be used for the practice of creating an affair for the purpose of taking incriminating photos for use blackmail. A honey trap is primarily used to get evidence. In a typical honey trap a private investigator will approach the spouse of a client and attempt to flirt with them. This footage can be used to measure a spouse’s willingness to cheat on their spouse, and as evidence of the faithfulness of one’s partner.
UCP Honey Trap Services are legal, above board and only willing to take on a case after an initial one to one interview basis.

  • Reassurance and Peace of Mind
  • Save Your Relationship
  • Face The Truth
  • Get Closure You Need
  • Getting Out of an arranged Marriage
  • Pre-Nuptial Assurance
  • Post-Nuptial Assurance


Why Use a Honey Trap?

Here are a few of the reasons our clients have had for using our honey trap service:

  • Reassurance & peace of mindpooh
  • Anti Corporate Espionage
  • Anti Surveillance
  • Testing the loyalty of your partner
  • Pre-nuptial assurance
  • To get out of a unhappy marriage or relationship
  • Find out if you’re the only one
  • Proving a point to a friend or relative